Punjab Emergency Service Rescue 1122 Murree Jobs 2022 July PTS Online Apply Emergency Medical Technicians & Others Latest in upjobskick / techjobstrace / pakjobscompany
ADs Date:28-JULY-2022
- ( BPS-11 )
- ///Computer Telephone Wireless Operator (CTWO)///
- /// Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT)///
- /// Fire / DERT Rescuers (FDR)///
- ( BPS-04)
- /// Rescue Drivers (LTV)///
- ( BPS-01)
- /// Sanitary Workers///
- ///Security Guards///
MURREE JOBS///Rawalpindi jobs /// Punjab jobs
Last Date to Apply:15-AUGUST-2022
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Latest<<>>Punjab Emergency Service Rescue 1122 Murree Jobs 2022
July PTS Online Apply Emergency Medical Technicians & Others<<>>Advertisement
in Daily Express Newspaper on Thursday 28-July-2022<<>>Healthcare ==
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Telephone Wireless Operator Jobs in Punjab Emergency Service Rescue 1122 Murree
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Guard \\ Rescue Driver Jobs in Punjab Emergency Service Rescue 1122 Murree 2022
July<<>>Last Date to Apply == Application Deadline<<>>Pakistan
Testing Service (PTS)<<>>Graduate \\ Postgraduate \\ Bachelor's \\
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2022 July for Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)<<>>IPL-7692<<>><<>>